Early December as we were out in Tsavo East examining the water holes, we got a call from the community warden informing us of Fatma, a young mother, who was injured by a buffalo during the drought as she took her 4 year old son to school in late November.
The buffalo gored her through her thigh which has raptured her bladder.
She was rushed to the closest hospital, Moi County Hospital in Voi where they carried out basic treatment that stopped her bleeding.
Due to the nature of her injuries, she requires specialist treatment which she can receive in Nairobi, Kenya.
Sadly she couldn't be discharged for further treatment as she didn't clear her previous bill.
We got an anonymous donor who cleared the amount and arranged an ambulance to take her to Nairobi's Kenyatta Hospital. Where she can start emergency treatment.
Her treatment is ongoing and we need funds to cover her treatment.
The funds collected will be used for
To pay bills at Kenyatta Hospital.
To support her 4 children with food rations as their mum undergoes treatment.
For purchase of medication for post operation treatment.
To donate click here: https://www.justgiving.com/crowdfunding/helpfatumarecover?utm_term=vkGENn9pk